Plants Vs Zombies

Yes, I couldn't get my hands off my blog today! :D

Plants vs. Zombies? Who still doesn't know about this game? I didn't learn this from Facebook btw. Everyone's telling me it all started in FB Games. Oh well, I don't give a shit since I don't visit that site for playing maybe. I only stalk in there. Hah! So yea, I started playing this just this year, if I'm not mistaken early March. My classmates and friends were raving about pvz for the longest time so I was curious and tried it myself. The first time I played it, my eyes couldn't take off my laptop LOL. I play all night long and became addicted to it until I finished all the Adventures, now I'm still on it and trying to score in the endless survival stage. Would you like to take a peak of where I am now in that stage? Here, have a glance!

Look at those GIGA-GARGANTAURS? Wtf! They're starting to mess with my lawn! Haha! Look, I already completed 39 Flags, see how much sun I got - 9990. when you reach that point, it won't increase anymore even you keep on clicking the sun. The limit is just like that.

43 Flags completed but see all my gloom-shrooms were gone and all my pumpkins are dying as well. LOL Look how many suns do I got from this stage-5465- BOO!

Fine, I'm totally dead here! LOL with 2440 sun.

BOOHOO! But I'm actually proud of reaching 43 flags without cheating, my cousins got to cheat on the sun, I don't need that losers! LOL

Now I need to start all over again! BOOO!

Here's my Zen Garden
Yea I know I'm such a rookie haha

Mushroom Garden

Aquarium Garden

I super love plants vs zombies! Are you guys playing this game as well?


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